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Europe-The Filming of Season 4

Read the Travel Journal Here

Trish escapes from a straight jacket to draw a crowd as
Ray Comfort open air preaches in Vienna, Austria.

Ray Comfort open air preaches in Milan, Italy

Ray Comfort grabs a soapbox for a lat night of filming

in the Grand Place (Belgium, Brussels)

Filming in Luxembourg (left to right: Jeff Johnson,

Duane Barnhart, Emeal Zwayne (E.Z.), and Valentino Moca)


Trish demonstrates the Curved Illusion Gospel tracts  

to a group of young men in Amsterdam

Quotes of the week:

"Let us arouse ourselves to the sternest fidelity, laboring to win souls as much as if it all depended wholly upon ourselves, while we fall back in faith upon the glorious fact that everything rests with the eternal God. "

-C.H. Spurgeon

"Evangelism and theology for the most part go separate ways, and the result is great loss for both. When theology is not held on course by the demands of evangelistic communication, it grows abstract and speculative, wayward in method, theoretical in interest and irresponsible in stance. When evangelism is not fertilized, fed and controlled by theology, it becomes a stylized performance seeking its effect through manipulative skills rather than the power of vision and the force of truth. Both theology and evangelism are then, in one important sense, unreal, false to their own God-given nature; for all true theology has an evangelistic thrust, and all true evangelism is theology in action."

-J.I. Packer

"The salvation of one soul is worth More than the framing of a Magna Charta of a thousand worlds."


"The grand design of God, from which He never has and never will swerve, is to glorify Himself—to make manifest before His creatures what an infinitely glorious Being He is... That grand and basic truth is written right across the Scriptures with the plainness of a sunbeam, and he who sees it not is blind. All things are appointed by God to that one end. His saving of sinners is not an end in itself, for God would have been no loser had every one of them eternally perished. No, His saving of sinners is but a means unto an end—"to the praise of the glory of His grace" (Eph. 1:6)".

- A.W.Pink

"An atheist is like a fish in the ocean saying that there’s no evidence that there’s an ocean."

- Ray Comfort

Shortly before A.W. Tozer's "eighteenth birthday he was converted by the preaching of an elderly man on a busy street corner, who inspired him to seek his attic and wrestle with God....Aiden, the first of his family to be converted, began street preaching himself and also holding neighborhood prayer meetings. But he would also frequently withdraw from others for bible study and prayer, finding the basement a quiet space. Often he would lie prostrate on the floor, using a piece of paper to keep his face clean."

--The Mystic Sprituality of A.W. Toxer, A Twentieth-Century Protestant, by E. Lynn Harris (pg 19)

"If you believe that there’s a Heaven and Hell, and people could be going to Hell, or not getting eternal life, or whatever, and you think that, well it’s not really worth telling them this because it would make it socially awkward . . . How much do you have to hate somebody to believe that everlasting life is possible and not tell them that? I mean if I believed beyond a shadow of a doubt that a truck was coming at you, and you didn’t believe it, and that truck was bearing down on you -- there is a certain point where I tackle you --and this is more important than that."

--Penn Jillette (atheist -- Penn and Teller).



Questions to Ask the Unbeliever:


What do you think happens on "the other side (when someone dies)?

What do you think God is like? (How would you describe His character)?

Do you think you could prove God exists?

Do you think God is angry with humanity?

Do you think God should punish murderers?

How would you describe your conscience?

Do you always listen to your conscience?

Do you ever think about death?

Are you afraid of dying? Why?

If you died tonight, where do you think you would go?

If there was a way to avoid death, do you think that you would be interested?

Who do you think Jesus was?

Do you believe in Heaven or Hell?

What do you think a person has to do to go to Heaven?

Why do you think God gave us the Ten Commandments?

If God gave you your life, do you think you should feel "indebted" to Him?

On a scale from 1 to 10, where do you think God fits into your life?

What do you think God requires of you?

What do you love most in life?

Have you ever read the Bible?

What do you think is the Bible's main message?

Would you consider yourself to be a good person? 

Do you think you have kept the Ten Commandments?

What is stopping you from being born again right now?

If you could ask God any question, what would it be and why?

How many hours a day do you work out?

How many hours a day do you spend on spirtual fitness?

What do you think is more important physical fitness or spiritual fitness?

Do you think there are many roads to God, why or why not?

What is your goal in life, what makes you tick in life?

What's your story?

What scares you most in life?



Questions for the Professing Christian:


Do you share your faith?

Do you go out of your way to share your faith with strangers?

What do you say to people when you witness?

Do you ever mention judgment day?

Do you ever mention Hell?

Why should someone become a Christian? (What do they get out of it)?

Who in your life isn't saved or born again? Where will he/she go if he/she dies without Christ?

If a blind man were walking toward a 1000 ft cliff, what would you do? Let Him know about a good church? Warn him about the cliff?

If a non-Christian is unknowingly headed toward eternal Hell, What should you do? Invite him to church? Warn him about Hell?

When was the last time you read your Bible?

How often do you read your Bible?

How does someone to become a Christian?


W.D.J.D and C.R.A.F.T

Next time you're out on the streets sharing your faith, simply remember the acronym W.D.J.D.

W - "WOULD you consider yourself to be a good person?" (Prov. 20:6)
D - "DO you think you've kept the Ten Commandments?" (James 2:10)
J - "JUDGMENT - if God JUDGES you by that standard, will you be innocent or guilty?" (James 2:10), (Rom. 2:12; 3:19),
D - "DESTINY - what's your DESTINY going to be... will you end up in heaven or hell?" (Rev. 21:8)

So then what's the next step?

Answer: Give the individual(s) the Good News!

It's important to learn how to present the Gospel. Make sure you mention that God sent His Son (Jesus Christ) who was perfect and never sinned and yet he went to the cross and died for sinners. Mention that Jesus rose from the dead and defeated death. He is no longer in the grave. You can say something to the effect of this, "We broke God’s Law, and Jesus paid the fine for sinners." Then make sure you tell them that they can be reconciled with God. Here's what they need to do. Repent and trust in the Savior, and God will forgive their sins and dismiss their case. You can ask if they understand what you have told them.

Remember the acronym C.R.A.F.T. to help you if you have trouble with presenting the Good News:

C - CROSS: Jesus suffered for sinners, he died and rose from the dead. (1 John 4:10), (Rev. 1:5), (John 3:16)
R - REPENTANCE: Confess and forsake all sin (Matt. 9:13), (Mark 1:16; 2:17; 6:12), (2 Cor. 7:10), (Acts 17:30)
F - FAITH: More than belief, it's trust in Jesus for salvation (John 3:15-18)
T- TRUTH: Point to the truth of the Bible and encourage them to get right with God today. (2 Cor. 6:2), (James 4:14)

And finally, it's always good to encourage the individual to get plugged into a solid Bible-believing, Christ-centered, God-exalting church. You can send them to this link to do so: http://fishwithtrish.com/faq.php

Stunning quotes from men of old:


"No sort of defense is needed for preaching outdoors, but it would take a very strong argument to prove that a man who has never preached beyond the walls of his meetinghouse has done his duty. A defense is required for services within buildings rather than for worship outside of them." Charles Spurgeon 


"It is no marvel that the devil does not love field preaching! Neither do I; I love a commodious room, a soft cushion, a handsome pulpit. But where is my zeal if I do not trample all these underfoot in order to save one more soul?" John Wesley 


"I am well assured that I did far more good to my Lincolnshire parishioners by preaching three days on my father's tomb than I did by preaching three years in his pulpit." John Wesley


"I believe I never was more acceptable to my Master than when I was standing to teach those hearers in the open fields . . . I now preach to ten times more people than I would if I had been confined to the churches." George Whitefield


Memorize the 10 Commandments in a snap!
I used to have the most difficult time memorizing the 10
Commandments. But when I found this tool (below)
years ago through Living Waters it helped me
trememdously. In fact, I memorized all 10 in order
within minutes. Have you memorized them? If not, this
is a quick way to lock each one in your mind. Try it.
It's simple. Here's what to do...Just visualize
each picture with the commandment. Go through them a
couple times and then quiz yourself to see how you do.

Click on each visual to make it larger.

Kirk Cameron Open-Airs At His Own Movie!

And Billy Dillinger gets saved!
Click HERE for the story.
Make sure you read the comments on the blog...
Billy shares his testimony.

Copyright © 2007-2024 Trisha Ramos