IQ Tombstone
This tract challenges the reader to try to find the most important part on the tombstone. There is only one answer that allows you to transition right into the Gospel.
pack of 100
This tract challenges the reader to try to find the most important part on the tombstone. There is only one answer that allows you to transition right into the Gospel.
pack of 100
This tract challenges the reader to try to find the most important part on the tombstone. There is only one answer that allows you to transition right into the Gospel.
pack of 100
-Back of Tract:
The most important part is the dash in between the two dates. It represents all the days of one’s life. The Bible tells us that life is like a vapor. Have you ever wondered where you will go when you die? Here's what to do: Judge yourself by the Ten Commandments to see if you are good enough to go to Heaven—How many times have you lied, stolen (value is irrelevant), have you blasphemed (used God’s precious name in an irreverent fashion – Hollywood uses the name “Jesus Christ” all the time this way)? That’s just three of the Ten Commandments and if you broke one, on Judgment Day you'll be found guilty and end up in Hell. But listen...God made a way for you to be forgiven! Jesus Christ took the punishment for sinners when He died on the cross, and then He rose from the dead. If you repent and trust in Him, God will forgive your sins and grant you everlasting life. You may not have tomorrow. Please don’t wait another minute to be reconciled to God. Read the Bible daily…you will never regret it.
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